Thursday, October 24, 2013

What's the solution?

Free talk 7.

2. The washing machine needs to be fixed right away. Aparently it's thowing everything and it isn't washing the clothes. The obvious solution seems to be to call an electricist or buy a new one, but depending of what the electricist says.

3. If I cut my hair or one of my sisters do that, I would go to the stylist so they could fix it, there's no other way, well I could leave it like that but it wouldn't be cute..

4. I think I'd say to that woman that she should broke the other heel, so it can be equal, and that way you wouldn't look like foolish person. At least that's what I think I would do or if she have other pair of shoes near by where she is, she could go for another ones too.

1 comment:

  1. Is this all? I thought there were more... Once again, make sure you check your sentences structure. =)

    Ms. Julia =)
